06 October 2007


Just when we thought that we found a landlord that we can trust not to ask us to lie, I found today that is not true. Only this time, he and his family want to do the opposite of what previous two landlords did. Those landloards wanted more money, but wanted to declare less to the state so that they did not have to pay taxes. Well, our current landlord wants to declare more money, without actually paying more. Today, they asked if I would be willing to sign a contract that declares that I am paying them 2600 lei in rent per month, instead of 1300 lei so that they can get a loan from the bank for a house. They would actually pay taxes on the the 2600, which I suppose increased their chances for loan approval. As diplomatically as I could, I told them that I cannot sign a paper that declares that I have given them so much money, when in reality I have not. I told them I would be glad to help find a solution, but I could not lie. I am appalled to be asked to lie. We have a good relationship with them, having shared a meal in their home. I just pray that it does not affect their opinion of me since I would not be helping them. I told them that they have the prerogative to increase the rent (at least not before our present contract is up), but I did not say that I have the prerogative not to pay and then move. Our next move will not be here, but back to the U. S. Please keep us in prayer as we handle this situation.

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