25 June 2007


Next week we will begin to study from the World English Institute material. So far, we have about 12 people who are enrolled, 4 just today. One lady wanted to come by to see where we are. She was very kind, but was scared to go inside our house when we arrived. We conversed on the front porch. She was taken aback that we would not accept money, not even for the material we will give her. I told her that we are a non-profit association and cannot accept money for it. Her reaction is not surprising because of the way money-hungry people are in the world. Some can even be suspicious even if it is free. "Perhaps there is a catch" is what people will often think. This lady works as an zoological engineer at a meat packing plant and offered to bring us a frozen chicken or something. Stephanie told that would be fine if that will make her feel at ease.

I had one person to want to enroll, but as soon as he found out that we were teaching from the Bible, he decided not to. Because people are so prejudice against anything non-Orthodox, I have just taken the study of the Bible out of the announement so that the net we catch more fish. I think after people get to know us and after we have attempted first to study the grammar, then we will introduce them to study of the Bible. In this way, they can decide then if they want to think for themselves religiously and to study the Bible on their own. If not, we'll just have to throw the catch back and let it be.

Please pray for this effort in July and following months.

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